© Tom Thiele

Venues and conference hotels for your meeting in Leipzig

Find the right conference hotel or venue in Leipzig

Are you planning a meeting or conference, or a corporate or team event?

Leipzig offers many interesting conference hotels and conference venues of various sizes. We have selected the best conference hotels and event venues for you.

Use the quick search function, filter by your desired criteria or browse the list of venues with pictures and key facts. Below the list, you will find a button that you can use to display more event venues. Combine the list with the map view to get a rough idea of where the venues are located.

Each conference venue has its own page with pictures and full information about conference rooms, catering, rooms, accessibility and much more. You can also find direct contact details for your event enquiry.

Find out more! See you soon in Leipzig!
© 360° Sachsen

Explore our venues virtually

Take a digital tour of our conference hotels and venues from the comfort of your desk or smartphone – with our Virtual Site Inspection service.

Start with a breathtaking 360° view over the rooftops of Leipzig. Pick a venue and get a feel for the space, facilities and surroundings without actually being there. This will make it easier for you to choose a venue. You also save time and travel costs.

Why Leipzig?

Leipzig offers many compelling reasons why it is the ideal place to hold your meeting, corporate event, conference or team event. The city is easily accessible thanks to its central location in Germany.

Leipzig is a city of art and culture but also a centre for science and business.

Leipzig is also a green city – and not just because of the many parks, waterways and diverse recreational activities in and around the city. Leipzig has also set itself the ambitious goal of becoming climate-neutral by 2040.

Exciting supporting programmes for your conference in Leipzig

Leipzig has everything you need for extraordinary events and exciting excursions. Take advantage of the wide range of cultural and recreational activities that will delight your delegates. Action-packed or relaxed, cultural or culinary, industrial or company tours – the options for attractive social programmes are as varied as the city itself.

Tagung & Konferenz Leipzig Convention: Aktiv zu Land mit dem Fahrrad oder zu Wasser auf dem Karl-Heine-Kanal
© Philipp Kirschner